Saturday, December 20, 2008

Haydon David Judd

Hello Family, sorry we are just now getting pictures of our new little one on here. We are all doing good and are just really enjoying our little monster. He sure is a sweet baby. Everyone around here sure love to eat him up. The kids are doing really good with him, they love to hold him and love on him. He has fit right in from the first day.

Dillon got to help bring him in to the world. He would not leave the hospital the night I was in labor. He stayed all night, he did not want to miss the birth of his new baby brother. The others were ready to go home and sleep in their own beds and eat. Dillon was a trooper, he stayed with me to make sure I was okay. When Haydon was born Dillon cut the umbilical cord, he really wanted to, so we let him. It was all he could talk about leading up to the birth.

Hope all is well with everyone and that you have a Merry Christmas and a safe New Year.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

my crazy kids

Roxie is learning too many things. She is getting so smart. On the radio the song " Frosty the Snowman" came on and she was demanding my attention. I finally said "What do you need Roxie Jane?" She said "mommy this is my song." It took me a minute to figure it out but then I realized what she was trying to say. She said the song was her's because it was about "Roxie the Snowman". I love my crazy kids! Now I just wish Mr. Rowdy would decide he was ready to come and join us!!!!!!!!----Alisa

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Twilight Zone

Can you tell we were excited!? Out of the prince clan Tami, Spencer, Grandma Prince, Amber, Braden, Becca, and Lauren all went the Saturday after Twilight came out, to the movie together. It was really fun to go as a partial family because of how excited we all were. We fed off of eachothers' excitment and had a blast. We tried to get a picture with all of us but it was a busy day so my mom ended up just taking this one of us. The rest of the fam (Shea excluded) would have liked to have been there but for one reason or another couldn't make that showing. We were dissapointed with a few parts of the movie but were all still happy about seeing it and still would like to see it again. We can't wait for the 2nd one to come out. Interesting fact- My Grandma Prince is Stephanie Meyer's Father's Aunt (I know a bit confusing but I don't know a better way to say it)