Well he took his sweet time , but Rowdy is here! My actual due date was Dec.20 but that day came and went.Then the next day and the next day....you get the idea. Then the morning after Christmas I was scheduled for some tests at the hospital, just to check and make sure he was cooking okay. Well both of the tests were concerning. in one of them he was being lazy and they were a bit worried then the other test results came back and showed I was low on my amniotic fluid. The nurse said it was probably a very slow leak and thats why I myself never noticed it. Anyway they called the on-call doctor and he wanted me admitted right away.
I felt so bad because Ihad taken Roxie and LoLo over to grandmas that morning in their pajamas and a pretty empty diaper bag because I THOUGHT I was going to be right back.
Anyway, they started me on pitocin at about 11:30 that morning and Rowdy arrived in all his glory at 7:24 that evening. It was my quickest and easiest delivery. I am so thankfull to our Heavenly Father for entrusting us with another sweet spirit! We love him so much!!! I am so thankfull that I can be a mom. My family is my world.