So I decided that since "blogs" were mentioned by name a couple times in general conference it was about time that I share a bit of my thoughts on one of the most important subjects in my life. I love my daughter and husband very much and for that reason I feel very blessed to have the gift of the gospel in my life. It has brought me more comfort, guidance and peace than any other one thing in my life. So it would be very ungrateful and in a way greedy not to share my thoughts, beliefs, and feelings about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My testimony itself is very simple and often helps to simplify the chaos of my life. There are things Jake and I have accomplished that were only possible because of the help we recieved through the gospel. I know I am given help on a daily basis and so I know my Heavenly Father knows and loves me individually. I also have felt the healing powers of repentance through Jesus Christ and so I know he lives and suffered for each one of us individually so that we can be forgiven of our sins and return to live with our Heavenly Father. I have felt the confirmation of the spirit and now know that Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet and mouth peice of God as well as Joseph Smith was when he restored the church on the earth. I'm thankful for the temple and the ordinances that are performed there to make it possible for families to be together forever. With all my heart I testify to the truthfulness of these things and say them in the name of Jesus Christ amen.
I also came accross this video clip that you may have already seen since its being shown in the Mesa Tampl but if not you should check it out at
I was very impressed by it and thought it was cool that it was photographed and filmed in Arizona. Love you guys and thanks to Sara and Alisa for their posts!