Saturday, December 20, 2008

Haydon David Judd

Hello Family, sorry we are just now getting pictures of our new little one on here. We are all doing good and are just really enjoying our little monster. He sure is a sweet baby. Everyone around here sure love to eat him up. The kids are doing really good with him, they love to hold him and love on him. He has fit right in from the first day.

Dillon got to help bring him in to the world. He would not leave the hospital the night I was in labor. He stayed all night, he did not want to miss the birth of his new baby brother. The others were ready to go home and sleep in their own beds and eat. Dillon was a trooper, he stayed with me to make sure I was okay. When Haydon was born Dillon cut the umbilical cord, he really wanted to, so we let him. It was all he could talk about leading up to the birth.

Hope all is well with everyone and that you have a Merry Christmas and a safe New Year.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

my crazy kids

Roxie is learning too many things. She is getting so smart. On the radio the song " Frosty the Snowman" came on and she was demanding my attention. I finally said "What do you need Roxie Jane?" She said "mommy this is my song." It took me a minute to figure it out but then I realized what she was trying to say. She said the song was her's because it was about "Roxie the Snowman". I love my crazy kids! Now I just wish Mr. Rowdy would decide he was ready to come and join us!!!!!!!!----Alisa

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Twilight Zone

Can you tell we were excited!? Out of the prince clan Tami, Spencer, Grandma Prince, Amber, Braden, Becca, and Lauren all went the Saturday after Twilight came out, to the movie together. It was really fun to go as a partial family because of how excited we all were. We fed off of eachothers' excitment and had a blast. We tried to get a picture with all of us but it was a busy day so my mom ended up just taking this one of us. The rest of the fam (Shea excluded) would have liked to have been there but for one reason or another couldn't make that showing. We were dissapointed with a few parts of the movie but were all still happy about seeing it and still would like to see it again. We can't wait for the 2nd one to come out. Interesting fact- My Grandma Prince is Stephanie Meyer's Father's Aunt (I know a bit confusing but I don't know a better way to say it)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Baby boys

Last night Danny and I took our girls down to the hospital to see Mindy and Jonny's new baby boy. FYI he was born yesterday (11-14-08) weighed 7 lbs and was 19 inches long. He looks just like Jonny but has a lot of dark hair. He is sooooooo cute. They named him Hayden(Haydon???) David Judd. He is a doll. Jonny has to put some pics on here for you all. Anyway..... I have had much anxiety about having a baby boy. I kept thinking how much I am going to miss all the bows and pink and buying the rediculious blessing dresses that I buy. After holding baby Hayden, i felt so much peace. Now I want MY baby boy to get here. Our house is no where ready for him to come yet ,plus he is still to little, but I am so excited for my Rowdy to join our family. I still dont know hat to do with 3 kids, but I am sure I will figure it out quickly. We love you all.-----Alisa

Saturday, November 8, 2008

america needs your prayers

Dear Family,
I am not usually such a political person but now that I am a grown -up and mom I have been more aware of what is going on in our world. I have been reading about what is still going on in California in regards to our church and CA's proposition 8 (Arizona's proposition 102) about making an amendment to state's constitution to keep marriage between one man and one woman. The propositions past , so now no stupid judge can overturn it. Since the elections on tuesday, The Los Angeles Temple and I am sure others in CA have been under constant protests and complete negativity towards any LDS church or person. There have also been protests here in AZ but I dont think it is anything like in California. Our Stake Conference this last week was a STATE wide broadcast, and they talked about this Proposition. We need to love everyone, but we can not support immoral issues. (whatever the issue is) In Ether 2:12 it says "Behold this is a choice land and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage and free from captivity and from all other nations under heaven if they will but serve the God of the land which is Jesus Christ." As much as I would love to have ocean front property, I would ask all of you to remember our Church leaders and Government leaders( especially in California,Arizona, And Florida) in your prayers. We love you all lots and lots!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

2 Years & 2 Months

Yesterday I took Jaxon and Henry for their 2 year and 2 month checkups. Here are the stats:

Height: 33 1/4 inches
Weight: 28 pounds, 5 ounces
Head: 50 inches
Height: 22 1/4 inches
Weight: 13 pounds, 12 ounces
Head: 39 inches

I got a little smile on camera:)
I love these boys and don't know what I'd do without them!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Family Pictures

Dearest family, there should be a fanfare because this is my first entry in our blog for the Judds or any blog for that matter! We had all of the Princes in our yard a few weeks ago for family pictures and these are a few of the cutest of my family. I have so enjoyed reading your entries, thanks for spending the time to put stuff in for us to see and keep in touch with each other.

Spencer's hair is growing back in! We were planning on dark and curly, but no such luck.We are just happy to see whatever comes back in.He has a final scan this friday and we expect it to come out clean and clear. We are learning to deal with Emily's celiac disease.The translation is she is gluten intolerant so we are trying to cook without using wheat products which is more than a little tricky. I got a cookbook and talked to a friend who has been dealing with this for several years. She helped me a lot and gave me a lot of encouragement. The doctor that did the biopsy to confirm the diagnosis for Emily said we should all be tested for this disease because it could affect more people in our family.I am so excited to find out although it won't be harder to deal with if I have more than one. We love all of you so much and are so grateful to have you in our lives. With all my love,Tam

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Your cute big sister!

So I was looking through some pictures and saw some cute ones of my mom and thought I would share them with you guys since you don't get to see her as much and she is really amazing... so of course you miss her dearly : )She seems to be doing much better now that the chemo for my dad is over and they are going to the cabin this UEA weekend to relax with the family so I hope the all have a good time. She watches lyndi for me every other week while I work and take Hyrum to gym, Lauren to soccer, Emily to track and runs all the other mother errands while trying to keep up on the house work. She also is so cute with my dad and you can tell the love eachother so much. She truly is my hero and I know now that I have one I could never do what she does and what Grandma Alice did for all of you guys. We have some amazing examples to looks to don't we.

This pic of her and my Dad is on Lyndi's 1st birthday so its a bit old (hence the hair on my dads head) but I thought it was cute!

Monday, October 6, 2008


Jaxon loves to give Henry kisses.
Sweet Henry!
Here is my dad with the boys...what a happy grandpa!
Henry 3 weeks old and a little cross-eyed...
Devin's grandparents recently sold their cabin in Utah to buy one closer to the family. They found outside of Payson and we went up for the first time last week. After we were home for a few days, we went up again and took my mom and dad for the night. We had a really fun time.

My dad said this is a bird's nest in the dirt. Is it true, I'm not sure. I've never seen a bird's nest in the dirt, but he didn't seem to be making it up...
Devin and Dad wanted to crack some black walnuts we gathered on our walk. Those nuts have such hard shells, they used a sledge hammer to crack them outside on the cement.
Daddy and Henry
Family pic
Yeah, I don't look so great, but these boys are so cute I had to post this pic!


So I decided that since "blogs" were mentioned by name a couple times in general conference it was about time that I share a bit of my thoughts on one of the most important subjects in my life. I love my daughter and husband very much and for that reason I feel very blessed to have the gift of the gospel in my life. It has brought me more comfort, guidance and peace than any other one thing in my life. So it would be very ungrateful and in a way greedy not to share my thoughts, beliefs, and feelings about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My testimony itself is very simple and often helps to simplify the chaos of my life. There are things Jake and I have accomplished that were only possible because of the help we recieved through the gospel. I know I am given help on a daily basis and so I know my Heavenly Father knows and loves me individually. I also have felt the healing powers of repentance through Jesus Christ and so I know he lives and suffered for each one of us individually so that we can be forgiven of our sins and return to live with our Heavenly Father. I have felt the confirmation of the spirit and now know that Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet and mouth peice of God as well as Joseph Smith was when he restored the church on the earth. I'm thankful for the temple and the ordinances that are performed there to make it possible for families to be together forever. With all my heart I testify to the truthfulness of these things and say them in the name of Jesus Christ amen.
I also came accross this video clip that you may have already seen since its being shown in the Mesa Tampl but if not you should check it out at
I was very impressed by it and thought it was cool that it was photographed and filmed in Arizona. Love you guys and thanks to Sara and Alisa for their posts!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Roxie said the cutest thing the other day. will love this!!! Our next door neighbor was moving last weekend and so Danny went over to help her get things loadeed into her U-haul. When Roxie asked where Daddy was I told her that he was next door helping Ann move. She asked "where is Ann moving to?" and I told her "Far away to Utah" She then said " Oh far away to Utah by Aunt Tami's house?" I started to laugh because even Roxie, my sweet 3 year old, knows that her Aunt Tami lives too far away!!!! Just thought I would share that little moment with ya. Love ya!-----Alisa

Friday, September 26, 2008

Baby Rowdy

Thank you to allof those who participated in the BIG family fast for our sweet baby boy. We had our appt with the specialist(after 3 weeks of worry and a lot of prayer) and the specialist said he did see what the ultrasound tech saw 3 weeks previous but that the rest of Rowdy's heart was perfect and that the"spot" shouldnt cause any problems. He did say however, that there was one section of his heart that he couldnt see because Rowdy was uncooperative, so after he is born and before we leave the hospital, Rowdy will have to have another echocardiograph to confirm that all is well before going home. No body can tell me that the Faith of a family our size, and fasting and prayer doesnt work. I just wont belive it!! I am so thankful for my children and loving husband and for all of my brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews and the rest of my CRAZY family!!!!!! We love you lots. Oh also Roxie started Pre-school and dance classes this month and she loves it all. Lolo does NOT like being without her sister though. When we drop Rox off at her classes and get back in the car without her sister she will always ask "sissy?" "sissy?" But then when Roxie gets home its back to fighting and making mommy crazy once again!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dear Family,

I appreciate all those who came to the potluck and homecoming talk to welcome Dad and Connie back from their mission. Thanks for all your help in making it a success. Joyce and I made peach jam last week. Thanks for all you help with that Joycie! Diana will be turning 20 on October 3. Any ideas for her big birthday? Layne is trying to sell his Harley-Davidson motorcycle. If you know anyone who is in the market to save gas and have a blast while doing it, give us a call or send an e-mail. Home: (480) 969-7115, cell: (480) 231-8884 Layne, (480)255-4032 Sara, e-mail: Layne-, Sara- We are all well and happy here at home. J.L. and Brittany moved into their home on the first of September. Their new address is 6335 E. Brown Rd. #1129 Mesa, AZ 85205. Levi comes to visit us one or two times a week now that he is stationed at Ft. Huachuca. Thanks for inviting him to Devon's baptism Jonathan! You did such a good job with the baptisms and confirmations. You made me cry! Hope you are all doing well. Remember who you are and what you represent. All my love, Sara Ann

Friday, September 19, 2008

Calling all Judds!!!

So I've noticed that we haven't heard from any of the brothers or sisters for a while and would love to so if its business that's holding you back just do a quick hello and update or if you just aren't comfortable with how to post or put on pictures I've learned some easy tricks and can help even better now so please please please call or e-mail if you need help. An update from the Prince clan is that my Dad had his last chemo treatment yesterday!!!! Yay!!!!!! He had a CT scan a couple weeks ago and showed no visible tumors but they did find a pulmonary embolism. So he has two shots into his stomach a day and then will start on cumaden (sp?) after that to prevent anymore since they can be very dangerous when not detected. They said that the chemo causes them in a bout 10% of chemo patients and they are usually fatal because they don't know about them until its too late so we again feel very blessed that the Dr decided to do the CT scan earlier than usual and we were able to work preventatively. My mom and dad are going to go to Lake Powell next week with some ward friends (one is also battling cancer) to celebrate the end of this chemo stuff. Today I'm cleaning the house for Jake's b-day party tonight. He's turning 25 on Monday. We are getting so old... a quarter of a century, wow! ; ) Well congrats to Ruthanne and Devin on their new little one and Alisa what's the update on your litte guy? Love you guys and hope to hear from ALL of you soon.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Uncle Joshua Visits & Jaxon Gets in the Trash

Joshua came to meet Henry. Jaxon sure was excited to see his Uncle Joshua!

I got out of the shower and found this:
Jaxon had pulled these out of the trashcan and stuck them on himself. What a silly kid!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Henry is Here!

Henry Devin Miller
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
7 pounds, 11 ounces
21 inches
3:19 pm

Proud Parents!

Proud Big Brother!

Proud Granny & Grandpa!

Here's the birth's kinda long, but it was an amazing experience!

I woke up a few times Tuesday (August 26) night to contractions and thought they felt a little stronger than the previous ones I had had, but just went back to sleep each time. Wednesday (August 27) morning I woke up at 7:00 and I told Devin to go to work and I'd let him know if they continued. Well, at about 10:00 I was still having them and they had been consistently 5 minutes apart. (That's 3 hours of consistent contractions and my doc said if I had 6 in an hour to head to the hospital, but I wasn't ready to go. I didn't want to labor at the hospital and I thought I'd have lots more hours to go, so I did some ironing, cleaning, put clothes away, you know, the usual Wednesday morning stuff...) They seemed to be getting a little stronger, but not by much. I texted Devin the times of my contractions and thought he'd call if he thought it was serious, but I didn't hear from him, so I figured I was probably just excited for no reason and it wasn't really a big deal. When he called on his lunchtime, he said he didn't get the texts because his phone was on silent. He really did think it was serious and we decided I would go to my parents' house because it was only 20 minutes from the hospital instead of 40 from our house. He said he'd tell his teacher and come meet me.

So, at about noon, I got our hospital bags, filled the car up with gas, and drove to my parents'. I was afraid my contractions would slow down if I sat in the car and they did. They went to 15 minutes apart. I was a little discouraged after thinking this was it and now they were slowing down! I was tired, but I knew I couldn't rest if I wanted them to keep coming. When Devin got to my parents' we went for a walk. They moved to about 2 minutes apart and were strong enough that I had to stop walking during them.

After the walk, I decided I wanted to get in a cool bath because the walk had made me pretty warm. It was a really humid day. When I got out of the tub it was about 2:00 and the contractions felt pretty serious. I really had to focus on relaxing during them so they could do their job. I decided it was time to go to the hospital.

My mood was changing and I was getting grouchy...Devin needed some socks to wear and I asked my dad if he could borrow some from him. He was watching Planet Earth with Jaxon and responded with, "Yeah, go check in my drawer." I just gave him a look and said, "Are you serious?" In my mind I was thinking, "Do you see what's going on right now? I'm gonna have a baby soon and you want me to go digging through your drawer to find some socks so you don't have to get up from your oh-so-interesting nature show. How about you get up and go find them!?" He got it and went to find some.

We walked out to the car, but went back in so my dad and Devin could give me a blessing. I was glad my mom suggested it because I had wanted one, but forgot about it as my mood got more serious. It was a sweet moment and it brought me peace, but I did tell them to hurry because I knew we needed to get to the hospital asap!

We left at 2:30. He and I drove in our car and my mom followed in her's. In the car, the contractions got quite serious. I know the stages of labor and one of the very end stages is wanting to give up and give in. I had reached this point with Jaxon and asked for an epidural. This time, it wasn't even on my mind. I did want to give up, but in a different way. It wasn't about "the pain." I didn't see it as pain. It was about just wanting to see my new baby. I remember saying, "I just want it to be over. I want to see Henry." I didn't even consider drugs for relief this time. The only thing I could think of for relief was to get that baby outta there! My mind really had set my body to do it on my own, just like I wanted! (I definitely underestimated myself because I didn't think my mind was that strong, but it IS!) Devin told me that we would see him soon and encouraged me to keep relaxing.

I recognized the signs of the stage I was in, but didn't trust my body and the feeling I had been taught would come naturally because Jaxon's labor was so much longer I thought there was no way I was really at this point already. I kept telling Devin to go faster because from the passenger seat it looked like he was going under the speed limit! Definitely a way to anger a woman in labor: make her think you are going under the speed limit while on your way to the hospital!

We got there at 2:50. Devin asked if I wanted him to drop me off while he parked the car and I got mad and told him he couldn't leave me. Then I thought, "Wait, I can't walk from the car!" so I told him to park and go get a wheel chair. He ran and got one. (I knew he ran because I noticed he was out of breath when he got back and I was thankful he hurried.) Devin grabbed the bags and my mom wheeled me up to the 2nd floor. They took us right to Room 7 and this big guy nurse got out a pee cup for me to pee it--like that was happening! I was moaning and saying things like, "I need to push!" and "He's coming! Now!" There was no time to pee!

So, I climbed up on the bed--no time for an IV, hospital gown change, paperwork, or anything--just like I wanted. I was on all fours, which was a birthing position I saw in a book and was totally turned off to at the time, but in the moment of giving birth, it was the exact position my body was comfortable with; it was where I wanted to be.

There were 2 nurses who said they needed to check me to see if I was really ready to push. I told them I was and they didn't need to check me. They insisted and it took one of them about .0001 seconds to "check" and see that I definitely was ready to push. She responded with, "Yeah, she's complete and plus 3" meaning I was fully dilated (at a 10) and the baby's head was 3 inches out of the pelvis bone, well on its way out! They told me I had to wait because the doctor wasn't here. Yeah right! I wasn't waiting for anyone! In reality, I didn't really need to be pushing at this point. The contractions were doing the work--no pushing needed from me! I did my best to kind of hide the fact that I was going with the contractions rather than fighting them like they wanted, but like I said, I couldn't stop contractions!

One nurse, Shari, told me to look at her and I told her I didn't want to. I wanted her to leave me alone. I was doing what my body wanted to do. It was amazing. I wasn't scared or thinking about pain or anyone around me. I was determined and going to have this baby right now! It was the most natural feeling (kinda gross to compare, but like a bowel movement, just relax and trust your body and it will do its think, no help needed).

The nurses finally realized that we weren't going to be able to wait for the doctor, so they prepared to "catch." With one contraction they said they could see that the bag of waters was still intact and under it was the baby's head. With the next contraction I pushed out the head and the water broke. I felt this big pop and was a little worried it was me that had popped! But, luckily it wasn't me; it was the bag of water!

Now the nurses could see that the cord was around Henry's neck. Shari told me I needed to stop pushing so they could fix it. Immediately upon hearing that, I was able to come out of this "zone" I was in of letting my body do what it wanted to and focus and control my body. The thought of possibly harming my baby was powerful enough to bring me back and control the pushing. That was a pretty cool moment.

They fixed the cord and with the next contraction, at 3:19 pm, the rest of his body came out (Devin said "he just shot out") and it was amazing! I didn't feel any pain. I was overwhelmed with happiness, surprise, relief, excitement, and a sense of accomplishment.

The placenta came with the next contraction and it was named "healthy" by the nurses. The doc showed up after that (I was a little bummed my doc wasn't on call, he's great, but this doc was good too). She saw he baby was out and she wasn't really needed. I was crying and she asked if I was sad. I told her, "Nope, I just can't believe I did that!" And said it like 10 more times..."I can't believe I did that! I can't believe I did that!"

It was the most awesome experience. Devin was in tears too. He said I was amazing and he was so proud of me:) That's just the word I would use to explain it, "amazing." It really was. It's nothing to be afraid of, but something that I wish every woman could experience. And I wish more women had the desire to experience it and would try it. It was such a wonderful moment to be able to bring our baby into the world rather than not being able to feel anything like when I was medicated last time. Plus, the recovery has been so much better! My face looked much better this time and I felt great right after he was born and the swelling is SO much less! I definitely believe any woman can do it--if she WANTS to and she prepares and educates herself for it (and there are no medical complications). The mind is strong and plays a big role in allowing the body to accomplish the task. Labor is that--labor, but definitely do-able.

I love my little baby Henry and I couldn't be happier with how everything went. It was an experience I'll always remember. It's so fun to be a parent and have sweet little kids in our home. We are so blessed!

Daddy and Baby
Sleeping Henry

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Jaxon Pics

Jaxon loves Grandpa! Here they were laughing for about 10 minutes because Jaxon "foofed" (passed gas) and he thought it was hillarious when Grandpa said "foof" over and over again.

This is what happens when Daddy dresses him...
We love going to the pool and Jaxon has got the tan lines to prove it!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Few Mommy Brags

I posted these on my blog, but I thought I'd post them here too so the fam can hear about our sweet little boy...

Baby Morgan

When I was little, my mom gave me this little Cabbage Patch doll, whom I named Morgan after a little boy I knew at the time...he was a little older (and I totally remember having a crush on him!) Anyway, having my own baby helped me to cope with my mom having a new baby. So, we pulled out Morgan for Jaxon to have his own baby.

He was so excited! He just held him and walked around saying, "Baby, baby, baby..." Jaxon likes to put Morgan in his crib and cover him and tell him to go night night. Some times, Jaxon will come tell me, "Baby" and sign crying. So I'll ask him if Morgan is crying and he says yes. It's so cute that he uses his imagination!

I'm so looking forward to having another sweet little spirit in our home. Jaxon is so fun and I love being a full-time mommy!


Guy & Man

Devin has the old 1967 Spiderman cartoons on DVD and Jaxon has recently fallen in love with them. He calls Spiderman "Man" and when the bad guys come on, he says, "Uh-oh! Guy!"

So, at the pool today, he was running away from me like he was trying to play so I asked him why he was running. He pointed at me and said, "Man" and pointed at himself and said, "Guy" (with a huge grin on his face!) I asked him, "Are you the bad guy running away from Spiderman?" "Yes!" he said with a giggle. It was so cute that he was able to use his imagination to come up with that game all on his own. So, for like the next 20 minutes, he ran away while I tried to catch him. He just laughed and laughed. He loved it, and so did I; it was so cute!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Prince Power

Well congrats to Danny and Alisa! Jake is set on having a boy next so hopefully the boy streak holds out long enough for when we have our next one. I wanted to give you a Prince family update. We are all doing relatively well. My dad and mom go in next Thursday for my dad's 4Th chemo treatment out of 6. So we are more than half way done and although he was a bit sicker this time (in bed a bit more with more nauseousness and an eye infection), he is still able to do most of his normal daily tasks and they still even go for bike rides together. They are planning a camping trip this week and I think its awesome considering some people can't handle camping when they are healthy! We are feeling very blessed and know that my mom and dad's burdens are lightened daily by the power of priesthood blessing and prayers. We are all sad to see the summer coming to a close but have definitely had a fun, fulfilling, summer!

Love ,


Friday, July 25, 2008

It's a .........

For any of the family that hasnt heard yet, Danny and I found out today that we are having a BOY!! At first Roxie cried when we told her she was having a brother but we showed her the pictures and now she is happy. We will name him Rowdy Daniel Ray. My due date is December 20th. We are so excited. Danny did say that since i got my 2 girls already that the next 10 have to be boys! Yeah we will see about that! Anyway we love you guys lots! See ya. Luv----Alisa

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Funeral for Aunt Carmen

Dear Family, Aunt Carmen's funeral will be Monday, July 7th at the Lehi chapel on Lehi road and Horne. There will be a 9:00 a.m. viewing, with the services starting at 10:00. Meldrum's Mortuary is handling the arrangements. Her obituary will be in the Mesa (East Valley) Tribune this Tuesday, July1st or possibly on Wednesday. I took a sympathy card to Craig and Lori today and got this information from them. Love, Sara Ann

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sad News

Dearest Family, I just received an e-mail from Jeriann Keeling, who said that Aunt Carmen passed away today, Saturday, June 28th. The family is getting together to make the arrangements. I will post more information here when I get it. I love you. Thanks for all your love and support for me and my family! Take care, Sara Ann

Friday, June 27, 2008

Update from the Chemo crew..

My dad finally shaved all of his hair off. Thursday was his 2nd chemo treatment and it held up pretty good until then. We ave been trying to convince him there are a lot of really cool bald people.. like Mr. Clean, Vin Deisel, and Exavier (from x-men)... sorry if I didn't spell those right, but you get the picture. He liked Vin pretty well. I will have to get some pictures up soon but my dad is still a little self conscious about the baldness. My mom and Dad both are pretty worn out but doing well. We are glad that he still has an appetite and none of us have gotten him sick yet. We're trying to be careful but it is so hard with such a touchy and affectionate family. It has really been nice having the boys back (Tyler and his wife, and Ryan came back early from summer sales in Chicago for those of you who hadn't heard). They are helping alot with the yard work- which is a BIG job, and they are working for my dad's company and are able to pick up some of the slack that has been created by my dad's fun cancer stuff ; ) One of my parents' friend in the ward, created a little book of remembrance where people wrote memories with my Dad and encouraging words from people in our ward, past wards, and even some from Arizona friends, for him to read during treatments. If any of you contributed to that thankyou and if any of you would still like to you could send it to me or my mom and we can add it. Thanks for prayers and calls it helps alot. We will keep you all in ours also!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Aunt Carmen Update

Dear Family, I just spoke to Craig again to see what's new with his mom. She is still at Banner Desert Hospital, but no longer in ICU. She doesn't need visitors at this time. She has had a struggle with the pain medication that she had been on, so that medication has been changed. The next few days the doctor's want to let her rest and recover more from the surgery. Soon she will start therapy for her Lymphoma which Craig told me can be cured according to her doctor. Please continue to pray for Uncle Royd's family. I love each and every one of you! Sara Ann

Friday, June 20, 2008

Aunt Carmen

Dear Family, I went to Banner Desert hospital last night to visit Aunt Carmen. She had her surgery on Wed. June 18th. It took most of the day as the doctors had to harvest bone from her hip and one of her ribs in order to strengthen some vertebre that had been destroyed by her tumor. Uncle Royd said she looked soooo much better on Thursday than after the surgery Wed. night. Craig and Lori; Darren and Marla; and Danny and his wife (sorry I don't remember her name) were all there and we had a good visit. Aunt Carmen might be leaving the hospital today, so call the hospital first if you want to go visit.
I'm not sure if any of you remember that Craig and I are the same age and went to school together. His wife Lori (Bevell) was one of my very best friends in elementary school. I hope you are all welll and happy. I am! I love my family, children, husband and my home. I'm grateful for my testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Take care. And always remember who you are and what you represent!

Monday, June 9, 2008

This is a great site!

Jeremy sent this link to most of us, but just in case any one didn't get it, here's what he sent:

It provides parents and other adults with objective and complete information about a film's content so that they can decide, based on their own value system, whether they should watch a movie with or without their kids (or even at all). It's like a food labeling system which tells you what a food item contains. It is the only reliable, content-based alternative to the confusing MPAA movie ratings and I highly recommend it.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

More random fun pictures

We have some pics from Lyndi's 2nd birthday party, and a funny pic of Lyndi wearing a sombrero bigger than her.

Amber used Me and Emily as models for a fashion show so we got our make up done and our hair, cut, colored and styled for free!

"Papa and Nini" after working hard out in the yard. Then Lauren and Lyndi at the Gateway fountains.

Fun updates from the Prince Clan

So I'm sure most or all of you have heard about the craziness with my Dad. Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma with a high treatability (if that's a word?) and we are still waiting to hear what stage the cancer is in. It has been scarey and hard but we are so very thankful for such amazing family and ward family support. I wanted to show you some of the fun things that have been going on also though. These pics are of a dinner that we hosted at our house for Braden's prom group. I thought it turned out really pretty and the food ended up even matching the table settings. We felt like little Martha Stewarts or something. All of us girls worked together on it (Mom, Amber, Becca, Kiley, Emily, Lauren and Lyndi... kind of) In case you can't tell what they are the middle center piece has pear and tangerine jelly belly beans in it- that was our favorite idea.